Kirkuk Education Directorate will again call for applications for employment after dissolving the recent announcement of employment by the department which Kurds and the Turkmen the city refused.
The employment list was announced on January 8, 2020 and was annulled yesterday. The employment process was called “unjust” and was refused and protested by Turkmen and Kurds of the city, claiming that it favors an ethnic group.
Education Committee, which includes three members from Kirkuk, in the Iraqi Council of Representative, met with education directorate and later in a press conference announced the nullification of the employment.
A source in Kirkuk Education Directorate told KirkukNow that, “within a month, the selection process for the employment will start. This time the selection will be based on one circle, not providing certain shares to districts and subdistricts.”

Kirkuk, Education Directorate press confernce to announce the nulification of the announced list, February 2020. Photo: Education Directorate media.
Previously, every districts and subdistricts had their shares in the employment, but this time applicants will apply and will go through the selection process regardless of their residencies.
Based on the annulled list, one thousand and 517, equivalent to 62 percent, of the employee are Arabs, followed by Kurds with around 500, close to 20 percent, and Turkmen with 412, 17 percent.
Soran AbdulKarim, spokesperson of Kurdish Unemployed Committee, said, “we see the nullification as our outcome, we could obligate the political parties and the education directorate to nullify the announced list.”
Unemployed Kurdish and Turkmen graduates separately protested the employment last months and demanded the cancelation of the list.

Mariwan Nadr, a member of the Education Committee in the Iraqi parliament, in a press conference said, “with the Education Directorate, we reached the decision to again call for applications and nullify the current one.”
Arab graduates did not protest the employment. The unemployed graduates and the parties accused them of being favored in the employment.
Mohammed Rayashi, spokesperson of Arab United Front, stated, “the employment depended on the guidance of the Ministry of Education. Unfortunately, some people changed it to an ethnic affair and demanded 32 percent for each ethnic group while previously they were against it.”
Rayashi warned that, “we will not remain quiet and will take all the civic ways such as protest and strike until rights are given back to rights owners,”
According to 2020 Iraqi budget law and ministry of education decision, online application for employment was open from August 27 to September 15, 2019 during which 84,000 applications was received for two thousand and 841 jobs.