Picture of Ezidi doctor put on stamp in Armenia

Armenia, December 2020 – Mirza Hasan Ali, aka Mirza Dinaiyee – photo: Orora organizations

Ammar Aziz

The name and a picture of Mirza Hasan Ali, a doctor and charity worker, have been put on a stamp in Armenia to honour his work in helping Ezidis.

In a ceremony in the Armenian capital Yerevan, the announcement of the stamp was made public on 8 December.

Mirza told KirkukNow: “Choosing me for putting my name and picture on a stamp was due to my help for Ezidi Kurds during the ISIS attacks.”

Mirza Hasan Ali, known as Mirza Dinnayi, was born in 1973 in Khanasor in Shingal district. He studied in Mosul and Europe and now lives in Germany.

“I took part in assisting hundreds of Ezidi women and children and rescuing them from the areas under the control of ISIS through our organization and with humanitarian and medical help from Germany.”

Mirza built the ‘Sky Bridge in Iraq’ GNO in 2007, and has been treating ill and wounded children in most of Iraq’s provinces.

Putting his name and picture on a stamp was an initiative by Armenian Aurora Humanitarian Initiative.

Mirza says that the stamp costs about $0.70 and that 12,000 of it were printed.

KirkukNow wrote a short piece on Mirza’s charity work and his life in our ‘My Story’ section.

Mirza won Orora Centre’s annual reward, which is an amount of one million US dollars.

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