Follow-ups 2020-12-02 Turkmen women break social shackles in conservative Tal Afar Mariyam, the only Christian woman in Khanaqin Mariyam moves to Khanaqin when she is young and stays there. Today, she is the only Christian in the city. “I consider myself as a Khanaqini and will not... Woman taken out from shelter and hanged by brothers 26-year-old Munira was found hanged in her house in a neighbourhood of Kalar district on 20 November. She had stayed for 50 days in a shelter for women. The... Can Biden broker compromise between Baghdad and Erbil as he did in 2009? "Kirkuk is probably the biggest flashpoint," is what Joe Biden, President-elect of the United States, had said eleven years ago during a visit to Kirkuk... Three years after Mosul liberation, 90% of Shi’a shrines still lay in ruins The religious shrines frequented by Shi’a Muslims in Nineveh province still lay in ruins more than three years after the province was retaken from... Iraqi Armenians: dwindling community Threats, war and displacement, among other hardships, have been driving the number of Armenians in Iraq to a steady decline, and the minority to the brink... Seven thousand persons taken out of al-Hol: will the camp get closed down? The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has redoubled its efforts to permanently close the al-Hol camp and return "women and children... Turkmens prefer their ruined home (Tal Afar) to IDP camps In light of the Ministry of Immigration and Displacement’s programme to close displacement camps across the country, Turkmens returning to Tal Afar... Christians in Kirkuk feel marginalized Some Christians in Kirkuk are happy that they can freely practice their religion and hold ceremonies, but a significant number among them think that the... Short profile of late former Governor of Kirkuk Najmadin Karim The death of the former governor of Kirkuk province, Najmadin Karim, was announced today (31 October 2020). Karim, who has been the subject of many... From honey trading to rescuing Ezidi captives Abdulla rescued 399 women and children in six years When the Ezidis were in despair after the ISIS onslaught and the atrocities their militants comitted aginst them, Abdulla Shrém emerged as a saviour for... No light at the end of the tunnel for new academic year in Iraqi Kurdistan “Buy me an iPad and don’t worry, I will learn good at home,” the 9-year-old Vina keeps telling her parents since she has been hearing their... Controversy surrounds the burning of official documents in Halabja On a sweltering August afternoon in Halabja, dozens of people gathered at a dilapidated roundabout in the city to protest. Their objective was making the... ‹ 1 2 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ›