Follow-ups 2021-05-02 Drinking water in Shekhan IDP camp undrinkable Drinking water in Shekhan IDP camp undrinkable People in the camp of Shekhan for Ezidi Internally Displaced People IDP suffer from the poor quality of the drinking water and describe it as bitter and... Zoroastrians face discrimination in Duhok Duhok Zoroastrians are passing through tough days. Their worship place is secret and they face threats and discrimination despite that alike other... Zoroastrians in Duhok face discrimination Duhok Zoroastrians are passing through tough days. Their worship place is secret and they face threats and discrimination despite that alike other... Charshama Sur (Red Wednesday): The Sacred Day for Ezidis (Yazidis) Charshama Sur meaning the Red Wednesday in Kurmanji Kurdish, marking the New Year for the Ezidi (Yazidi) community, is one of the oldest ceremonies for the... Ezidis in Baghdad: No temple for rituals Saman was surprised that several thousand Ezidis live in Bgahdad since hundreds of years yet they have no temple to celebrate their rituals. Saman Khidir,... Representatives of minorities declare victory: Iraq for all At the end of the marathon, representatives of minorities in Iraqi house of representatives, the parliament, cheerfully entered the press media and from its... 11 Ezidi women survivors stealthily unite with 17 children 11 Ezidi women survivors of the extremist Islamic state ISIS leave camps of Internally Displaced People IDP in Duhok Northern Province and unite with their... Mazin Saleem: No education, no work, no ID! Mazin Saleem Shingali, the teenager who survived Islamic State IS militants' slavery in 2019, was attractive for the media then yet now he is relentlessly... Al-Aqisar: A church older than Islam in Karbala Shiite holly city forgotten Up today, there is no paved ordinary road that leads to Al-Aqisar, an archeological site in Ayn al-Tamr district, 70 km southwest of the Shiite holly city... Mistaken stereotypes and misconceptions distort Mandaeism Samar Khalid, 26, was shocked when she has heard some points that has nothing to do with the Sabean Mandean (Subbi) religion. “They know nothing about our... "Our Lady of Salvation" Syro-Catholic Cathedral in Baghdad: Commemoration of 2010 prayer victims The Syriac Catholic Church Our Lady of Salvation (Sayedat al-najat) in Baghdad will embrace the first church gathering. In his apostolic visit, The Pope... Al-Qush: Home of religions A predominant Christian population with Ezidis religious minority and Muslims live together and worship peacefully since ages in Al-Qush sub-district. The... ‹ 1 2 ... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... 21 22 ›