News 2020-03-11 Kirkuk and Nineveh in 2019; 50896 marriages and 6280 divorce Kirkuk: 1905 cases of violence against women recorded in 2019 The Iraqi Hope Group for Human Rights revealed that 1905 women in Kirkuk had faced physical, sexual, and psychological harassment. Showing the number on the... KirkukNow awards best two articles showing the power and success of women on International Women's Day KirkukNow awarded the best two journalistic articles on the International Women’s day, aiming at recognizing the outstanding works towards the inclusive... Theft of kerosene, money, and gold are frequent in IDP camps in Duhok In the IDP camps, theft of kerosene, money, and gold are frequent, according to the people and authority of the camps. Based on its investigation,... Daquq; Seventh Kakai village evacuated amid insurgent groups, three villages remain with few people Residents of Matiq village in Daquq, 44 km southern Kirkuk, decided to evacuate the village due to the fear of insurgent groups, becoming the seventh... Four people recover from coronavirus as cases increase in Iraq In Baghdad and Kirkuk province, four persons infected by coronavirus recovered after being quarantined and receiving treatments. Health directorate and... Small business owners in Alqosh, Nineveh, receive 5 million IQD loan to expand their businesses “I have a small barbershop, I wanted to make it bigger, but because of lacking money, I could not make any change,” Diyar Miskin, a resident of Bozai... 38 coronavirus cases recorded in Iraq, three death reported In Iraq, coronavirus cases reached 38; three people already died from the virus. Last night, March 4, two persons died from the coronavirus after being... IDPs do not want to return The IDPs in the Nineveh province are not ready to return to their place of origin due to lack of services and war destructions. As a result, they reject any... First death from coronavirus confirmed in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq The first death from coronavirus confirmed in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The person was 63 years old and was a preacher, according to the Health Ministry... Kirkuk crude oil export increased in February Kirkuk crude oil export to Turkey has increased last month to 61 thousand barrels of oil daily. According to the data of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, the... Four Coronavirus cases confirmed in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced the confirmation of four coronavirus cases in the city. According to a statement... Sulaimani General Health Director: next week requires taking more precautionary measures against coronavirus Doctor Sabah Hawrami, general director of health in Sulaimani, issued a statement in which he says next week is a sensitive week that requires taking more... ‹ 1 2 ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 119 120 ›