2021-10-29 Iraqi soldier and policeman killed by ISIS sniper Two books about diversity and pluralism released Two books were released about diversity and pluralism that covers life of the ethnic and sectarian groups in Iraqi Kurdistan Region IKR in a book publishing... Farmers thrive by grocery import ban Wazah Shahiri has not been so thrilled in years as he can market his farm products in a good price due to the import ban by ministry of agriculture on... Three entities complain about general elections in Kirkuk Three political entities complain to the electoral commission in Kirkuk describing the elections as flawed and calling for manual count and sort, a matter... Ex-militiaman sanctioned by US earns Shabak quota seat A former commander of the Shiite paramilitary of Popular Mobilization Forces PMF who has been sanctioned by US treasury has earned the sole seat allocated... Actually it was October 12 not 16 The troops under the command of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) surrendered their positions in Kirkuk to Iraqi forces without any resistance on... 96,000 votes earned the nine quota seats Candidates of the religious minorities in Iraq have earned the nine seats of quota out of 329 of the House of Representatives by total of 96,076 votes & the... 10 of Kirkuk detainees still in prison, 55 released to go on trial 10 Out of 65 Kurdish residents of Kirkuk are still in prison for charges of shooting Iraqi army convoy while celebrating the results of October 10th general... Iraqi women pass quota in general elections Despite the low turnout and the blow to pro-Iran fractions in the general elections on October 1oth, Iraqi women candidates succeeded in passing women quota... Arab candidates take over a parliamentary seat of Turkmens in Kirkuk Preliminary results show the Kurdish political parties have won six seats alike 2018 general elections while the Arab political parties have mounted their... Kurds win seat in Salah al-Din A leading Kurdish party said Sunday it has earned a seat on October 10th general elections in a predominantly Sunni Arab province north of Baghdad in the... Polling stations open doors for Iraq's general elections Over 23,986,741 eligible Iraqi voters to cast ballots today October 10th in Iraq's early general elections to vote for 3,226 candidates vying for 329... Journalist goes missing in Baghdad A journalist working for local and foreign media outlets goes missing in Baghdad since October 7th, relatives and close friends are concerned about his... ‹ 1 2 ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ›