News 2020-05-18 Security forces shut down local markets amid restricting coronavirus measures Mustafa al-Kadhimi cabinet lacks plan to implement article 140 of the Iraqi constitution The implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi constitution was not included in the proposal of the cabinet of the newly elected Iraqi prime minister... ‘Islamic State militants’ kill two Kakai farmers and burn their grain fields The dead bodies of the two killed Kakai farmers were found in Khanaqin district, Diyala province after their abduction. Their farms and tractors were also... Duhok: One billion and 98 million dinars corruption cases uncovered in Sinjar education directorate Three persons have been arrested for a corruption case of Sinjar lecturers' budget that was worth a billion and 98 million Iraqi Dinars (IQD). The... The US provides Iraqi IDPs with 6.5 million dollars to combat COVID-19 The United States provides the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Iraq with six million and 500 thousand dollars to support the... Kirkuk: wheat and barley crops damaged by heavy rainfalls and hailstones Thousands of donums of wheat and barley crops were damaged by heavy rainfalls and hailstorms in Kirkuk, while the majority of the farmers have rented the... Heavy rainfall and hailstorm damage wheat crops of 120 farmers in Sinjar Heavy rain and hailstorm damaged 120 farmers’ wheat crops in Sinjar, while the crops were in their final stage of growth. Last week, heavy rains and... Iraqi government to buy wheat crops from farmers in the disputed areas The Iraqi Council of Ministries (CoM) would purchase wheat crops from the farmers in the Iraqi disputed areas, parliament member Dilan Ghafur from Kirkuk... Kirkuk: Arab and Turkmen call for deployment of additional troops The Arab and Turkmen parties and tribes call for the deployment of additional forces to Kirkuk and demand people to take up arms against the insurgent... Human trafficking band headed by a mother and her son arrested The Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced that the entire members of a band that was involved in human trafficking are yet to be arrested, only a woman and... Daesh attacks kill 15 security forces members and civilians 15 members of the security forces and civilians were killed and tens were injured on Saturday and Sunday in Diyala, Kirkuk, and Sallahudin. On the... Iraqi oil revenue in April declines by 72 percent compared to February Iraqi oil revenue in April has sharply dropped by 72 percent compared to February, selling each barrel of oil at 13 dollars. Iraqi oil export in April was... Iraqi government decision deprives Ezidis of monthly food aid Iraqi federal government decides to suspend the food supply for citizens who lack national ID cards and are not registered in the ration card system, while... ‹ 1 2 ... 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ... 119 120 ›